Boulder Ridge Icelandic Horse Farm

The Mares at Boulder Ridge

Byrda and her 2015 foal, Bruni.

Byrða frá Hafsteinsstöðum
Byrða- "Ber-the"- means "Light"
25 yr old, grey mare. Byrda is 2nd prize, with an 8.0 for Tolt and a 9.0 for gallop! 7.82 overall.
We have owned her since 2010. She is a very sweet and talented mare. She has also become a great mother. Byrda is mother to Brimi and Bruni.

Hilda and Elli at a show. 2016 - Tolt

Krista showing Hilda in Dillsburg, PA

Sisters! Byrda on the left, Hilda on the right.

Hilda and Elli at a show. 2016 - Tolt
Hrímhildur frá Hafsteinsstöðum
Hrimhildur- means "frost valkyrie"
Hrim- "Hrime", Hildur
AKA, "Hilda". She is a 26 yr old, grey, 2nd prize Mare. With 7.53 overall score.
We have had Hildda since 2004, when we imported her from Iceland. She is a great riding horse and a good mom. Hilda is mother to Funi, Katina, Skjomi, and Jupiter.
Hilda is owned by Abby.

Katina with Mom, Hilda

Katina as a foal

Katina learning how to load and stand in the trailer.

Katina with Mom, Hilda
Kátína from Boulder Ridge
Kátína- "Cow-tina" means "Merriment"
Katina is a 14 yr old grey mare. She is a daughter of Hilda and Parker fra Solheimar. Katina was born here at Boulder Ridge on May 16th, 2010. She is quite the character, and loves to interact with people. Specially doing liberty work with her owner Krista.
Katina is one special mare. Very active and entertaining!

At a show in NY.

Gyðja frá Sveinsstöðum
"Gyðja"- "Gi-th-ia" means "Goddess"
She is a 29 yr old Chestnut mare with big white blaze on her face. We have had Gydja since 2004, when we imported her from Iceland.
Gydja is mother to Ara. Gydja is a fun riding horse, who is unflappable on the trail with a heart of gold!

Cindy and Eirdis tolting on the track

Eirdís frá Oddhóli
Eirdís- means "Protective Goddess"
Eirdis is a 21 yr. Old chestnut mare. She is half sister to Eidur. We brought Eirdis to the U.S and to Boulder Ridge in July of 2015. We have had fun getting to know this sweet mare! We call her the "motor", as she loves to nicker and talk to "her" people. :)
Eirdis is a 2nd prize mare with 7.68 overall as a 4-gaiter.
Gone but not forgotten <3

Mais is so pretty, especially in the winter.

Mais and Harry playing in the snow.

Mais is great with kids

Mais is so pretty, especially in the winter.
Maístjarna frá Sauðárkróki
"Maístjarna"- "May-st-aht-na" means "May Star"
Gone but never forgotten <3
Mais was a fun riding horse and companion to Cindy in the beginning, over time she enjoyed her retirement from riding with only doing a few summer riding camps. She was a sweet mare that always wanted her way. We will miss that silly beautiful girl. :(
Rest in Peace girl. <3 --2018